Technical Bulletins |
IE Expierence differences from Information Exchange
Date posted: July 21, 2011
Technical Service Bulletin (GXS-AM 110721-01)
GXS Operations Center
6AM ET Thursday, July 21, 2011
Customers affected: Users of the GXS Information Exchange (IE) application operating on systems USA, EUR, JPN and BRA.

The following Information Exchange features will not be supported or will
function differently on the IE Experience.
- Deliver messages in sequence
The following option that can be specified in a user profile for
an Information Exchange user is not available for an IE Experience user. For
users on the IE Experience, this option defaults to N and cannot be changed.
Deliver messages in sequence? (Y/N)
Set this field to n for maximum availability of Information Exchange and for best performance.
Set this field to y if a trading partner requires mail posted to the mailbox in the sequence it is sent.
This option is only available if the sender and the receiver of the message are on the same Information Exchange system.
This is usually important only if the trading partner is in the process of receiving. Messages not
received always appear in the mailbox in the order sent.
The Cancel command option of “t” for acknowledgements to include
both header and text information in not supported by the IE Experience. The only
options available are “blank” for no acknowledgements for the cancellations of
files, or “h” for acknowledgments to include only header information.This parameter
is specified by the “ack” parameter on an Expedite Cancel command or in the MSGRCPTS parameter
of the Information Exchange Cancel command (SDICNCL).
Neither Information Exchange nor the IE Experience can cancel
intersystem messages. Therefore, an IE Experience user cannot cancel messages sent to Information
Exchange or GXS Trading Grid Messaging Services (TGMS) trading partners.
- Receive-side Carbon Copy processing
GXS has implemented a change in how carbon copy messages from an
IE Experience customer to a GXS Trading Grid Messaging Services (TGMS) trading
partner or another VAN trading partner will be processed. If you have receive-side carbon copy
or redirect definitions set up to copy an EDI message, currently the sender EDI
ID in the copy is kept as the original sender of the message.For mailboxes on the IE
Experience, the sender EDI ID in the copy will be changed to be the original
receiver’s EDI ID. This change may impact you only if the processing of your carbon copied message is dependent on the EDI sender ID in the message being that of the original sender of the message that was copied
- VAN Interconnect Trading Partner Setups
Currently, outside VANS have two interconnect gateways to GXS –
one into GXS TGMS and one into GXS Information Exchange, formerly the IBM
Advantis VAN. As part of GXS’ continuing effort to unify our customers into a
single environment, we are consolidating these interconnect gateways.As result of this consolidation, IE and IE Experience customers will need to contact GXS Customer Support when
adding new trading partner information for partners on another VAN or GXS TGMS.
For information on previously announced changes between Information Exchance and the IE Experience, reference the technical bulletins posted on the EDI Support site:
Date posted: 7 June 2010 (original); 18 June 2011 (repost)
OFTP Support for certain features eliminated
Date posted:1 June 2011
Withdrawal: Expedite Direct
Date posted: May 2010
Withdrawal: Expedite Notification Manager / Information Exchange Event Services
Date posted: February 2010
IE Experience Carbon Copy features
Date posted:25 October 2009
Feature Withdrawal
Date posted:03 June 2009
Withdrawal of certain SDI commands
Date posted: 03 June 2009
For assistance, please contact GXS Information Exchange
Support at 877-326-6426 or send an email to ECOMMREQ@GXS.COM.