Technical Bulletins |
Refresh 4.5.2 is available for Expedite/CICS 4.5
Date posted: July 7, 2008
Technical Service Bulletin (GXS-AM 080707-01)
GXS Operations Center
5PM ET Monday, July 21, 2008
Customers affected: All Information Exchange customers
using Expedite/CICS for MVS (OS/390 and z/OS platforms).
Note: The information in this technical bulletin
should be read by all Expedite/CICS customers who plan to
upgrade their present version of Expedite/CICS with the
latest modification level.
This Technical Bulletin describes the modifications in
Expedite/CICS. These modifications include the following:
- Recompilation of the original base product using Enterprise
COBOL for z/OS V3R4, and CICS TS V2.2
- Elimination of the DUPREC condition
- Elimination of the "Invalid TCPIP port" condition
- Elimination of unused temporary storage queues
- Recognition of duplicate entries on the Translate table
- Cleanup of erroneous trace data
- Miscellaneous changes in support of business requirements
- An updated EXPCSDUP JCL job to define DCT entries with
The original base product has been recompiled using Enterprise
COBOL for z/OS V3R4, and CICS TS V2.2. The following updates
are also included:
- During peak periods of activity when clients are sending
data, recent network changes and improvements in processor
speed have periodically allowed a DUPREC condition to
occur for the EXPSDAT file. When the DUPREC condition
occurs, the following messages may be produced and at
times, a loop may occur.
In the EXPTCPIP log
In the EXPLOG1 log
Changes have been made in managing keys and records within
Expedite/CICS to reduce the likelihood of the DUPREC condition.
- Occasionally, the following error appears in the EXPTCPIP
log due to some garbage characters being passed in the
TCP-START command.
In the EXPTCPIP log
Changes have been made to clear the storage areas that
are used to build the TCP-START command so that any additional
garbage characters will not be processed.
- With TCP/IP connectivity, there was an occasional Temporary
Storage Queue getting created and left in CICS.
A change was made to prevent this TSQ from being created.
- On the translate table screen, a change was made to
indicate when a duplicate entry is on the same screen.
- A change was made to clean up some erroneous tracing
data that appeared in the EXPLOG1 or EXPDTRCA/B trace
queues, when using TCP/IP connectivity.
- Miscellaneous changes regarding copyrights, etc. were
made due to business requirements.
- There is an updated EXPCSDUP JCL job to define DCT
entries with RDO.
Operating System Support Update
Expedite/CICS Version 4.5.2 runs on the following operating
system release platforms:
- CICS Transaction Server 2.2 or CICS Transaction Server
- z/OS 1.7
- IBM Language Environment
New Customers or Customers Upgrading to Expedite/CICS 4.5.2:
Install the package following the instructions in the Program
For assistance, please contact GXS Information Exchange
Support at 877-326-6426 or send an email to ECOMMREQ@GXS.COM.